Seeing your smoke alarm blinking red can be scary. But it can also mean that there’s something wrong with your device.
The first thing to do is check the battery level. If the smoke detector is flashing red every minute, it likely needs a new battery.
Replace the Battery
If your smoke alarm keeps blinking red after changing the batteries, it may have a problem. This could be because the battery is low or damaged, or the wiring inside the smoke detector is bad.

It’s a good idea to change your smoke detector’s battery every six months. This will help to keep the battery working properly, and will also help to ensure your smoke detector is giving off a true alert when it’s triggered.
You can replace your battery by removing the battery compartment cover and sliding open the tray. Insert your new batteries, making sure to place them in their corresponding places, and then close the battery compartment.
You can also check to see if your smoke detector is still functioning by checking its LED-light. Generally, green means the alarm is working correctly, while red indicates that there are issues with the device.
Clean the Sensors
Smoke alarms are a great way to protect your home and family from fire, but they can be difficult to keep up with. That’s why it’s important to change the batteries on your smoke detector at least once a year, and test them occasionally for proper function.
Dust buildup over time can reduce the effectiveness of your smoke detectors, especially if it’s located in a hard-to-reach area. Cleaning the detector regularly can eliminate this problem.
Clean the sensors with a vacuum attachment or electronic aerosol cleaner to remove any dust, debris or particles that may be obscuring the light-sensitive sensor. This will help your smoke detector detect a fire without emitting a false alarm.
Smoke detectors generally come in two designs based on the type of sensors they use: “photo-electric” or “ionization.” Photo-electric sensors use a tiny light source to shine on a sensor that’s sensitive to both flaming and smoldering fires. Ionization sensors use an extremely small amount of radioactive material to make the air inside the detector conduct electricity and trigger the alarm.
Run a Test
If your smoke alarm is blinking red after changing batteries, it could indicate a problem with the battery. Dawson recommends running a test on the device to make sure the battery is working properly.
Smoke detectors often fail after eight to ten years, so if you have a smoke alarm that blinks red after changing the battery, it could be time to replace the unit.
Your alarm may also be flashing red if it has become clogged with dirt, animal hair and other debris. Some brands of smoke detectors even incorporate a warning signal to alert you that this is happening.
You can also run a test on the smoke detector by holding its test button for a few seconds to see if it produces an alarm sound. This will indicate if the unit has an internal battery or if you need to change the batteries.
Replace the Smoke Detector
If you’ve changed the battery and the smoke detector continues to blink red, it may be time for a replacement. Smoke detectors are designed to last ten years, but they can break down or go out of operation due to dirt and debris in the sensors.
It’s also possible that a brownout has affected your power supply. In this case, you’ll need to temporarily disconnect power from your service panel.
Once your power is restored, you can plug the smoke detector back in and reinstall the batteries. This should stop the low battery chirping, but it’s always a good idea to check that everything is connected correctly and that the alarm is working properly before leaving your home.
If you’re not sure what to do, contact a professional to repair the smoke detector. They’ll be able to tell you what the problem is and help you find a solution. This will give you peace of mind and reduce your risk of fire in the future.